
A Victory World Missions update from Guatemala. VWM Jan2015 Guatemala
40 Days In The Word | Royal Oak Victory Church
Title: 40 Days In The Word - Part 1 Series: 40 Days In The Word Speaker: Pastor Sheldon Ball Date: January 4, 2015
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Pastor Terry delivers a sermon on the winds of doctrine blowing through the church and details how we should prepare in the coming days. Regina Victory Church Sunday Service January 4th, 2015. Services held every Sunday at the Cineplex Southland Mall Theatres at 10:00 AM. Come Join us!!!
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The Key To Our Success | Regina Victory Church
Pastor Terry delivers a sermon on the importance of prayer in our lives. Regina Victory Church Sunday Service January 4th, 2015. Services held every Sunday at the Cineplex Southland Mall Theatres at 10:00 AM. Come Join us!!!
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The Key To Our Success | Regina Victory Church
Pastor Terri delivers a sermon on the importance of prayer in our lives. Regina Victory Church Sunday Service January 4th, 2015. Services held every Sunday at the Cineplex Southland Mall Theatres at 10:00 AM. Come Join us!!!
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Pastor George Hill - 2015 Great Start
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B40x | MyVictory
01.11.15 www.b40x.com www.victorylethbridge.tv www.victorylethbridge.ca facebook: VictoryChurchLethbridge twitter: VCLethbridge
40 Days In The Word | Royal Oak Victory Church
Title: 40 Days In The Word - Part 2 Series: 40 Days In The Word Speaker: Pastor Dave Meyers Date: January 11, 2015
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A sermon at California Victory Church - January 11, 2015.
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B40x | MyVictory
02.01.15 www.b40x.com www.victorylethbridge.tv www.victorylethbridge.ca facebook: VictoryChurchLethbridge twitter: VCLethbridge

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