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Victory World Missions - Tribute to Bishop Jude Muli Kiteta March 2012

Friday, March 23, 2012
The very sudden death of Bishop Jude Mulli Kiteta, the national leader of Victory churches of Kenya, reminds us all how fragile and temporary this life is. It reminds us that we must live life with eternity in mind—the urgency of eternity. Bishop Jude was the national leader of VCK for 15 years. During this time he planted many churches, established outreach ministries to the poor, and started a Bible College. His hard work and sacrifice also helped expand the Victory Movement into Tanzania and Uganda. He has been a vital part of our worldwide Victory Family for many years, and will be greatly missed by us all. His musical talent was amazing; he had the ability to transform the atmosphere through the power of his music. This video clip is from our time with him in the Rwanda Orphanage where Bishop Jude led the children in singing—the children loved him! He trained many to be great musicians as well as pastors, leaders and church workers. We thank God that he spent his life serving the Lord and building His kingdom; now he is with the Lord rejoicing in His kingdom. We can't bring Bishop Jude back, but when our time is up, we can, through Jesus Christ, have a great family reunion in glory! We thank God that there is more to life than this life. Our prayers and condolences go to his wife, Pastor Lucy Mulli, their children: Trio & Jessica Mulli, Amie Kiteta, Melody & Dustin Duncan, grandson Noah Duncan and the entire Victory Churches International family. the only wise God be glory forever through Jesus Christ! Amen (Romans 16:27 NIV). Drs George and Hazel Hill President and Founders, Victory Churches International, Family of Churches

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