
Culture of the Home | MyVictory
No one on their deathbed wishes that they had worked more or vacationed more, every person wishes that they had spent more time with their family. Learn four habits to develop which will help lay a foundation so that in your last moments you will have no regrets. 06.01.14 www.kellystickel.com www.victorylethbridge.ca facebook: VictoryChurchLethbridge twitter: VCLethbridge
Pastor Terry delivers a sermon detailing efforts you can take to pump up your faith level. Regina Victory Church Sunday Service June 3rd, 2013. Services held every Sunday at the Cineplex Southland Mall Theatres at 10:00 AM. Come Join us!!!
Culture of the Home | MyVictory
Have you ever met anyone whose problem is that they're greedy? They always say things like, "I'm careful,""I'm a good money manager,""I'm a saver." It is easy to spot greed in other people but how do you spot it in yourself? 06.08.14 www.kellystickel.com www.victorylethbridge.ca facebook: VictoryChurchLethbridge twitter: VCLethbridge
Jesus Our Mediator | Harvest Life Victory Church
Sermon: Jesus Our Mediator Speaker: Pastor Lawrence Poirier Date: June 8, 2014
Tags: faith
Culture of the Home | MyVictory
Running on empty is a scary place to be, but everyday, people are running on empty emotionally and physically. The warning lights are on, but no one is paying attention 06.15.14 www.kellystickel.com www.victorylethbridge.ca facebook: VictoryChurchLethbridge twitter: VCLethbridge
I Love My Church | MyVictory
There is a difference in between wanting to reach to lost and having to reach the lost, but how do we as a church make sure that we never become passive in our pursuit of the lost? 06.22.14 www.kellystickel.com www.victorylethbridge.ca facebook: VictoryChurchLethbridge twitter: VCLethbridge
In this months missions update we take a look at what the Victory Outreach Centre has been doing.
I Love My Church | MyVictory
Will you leave the Church better off than when you found it? Or are you just going to play church because you don't like change? 06.29.14 www.kellystickel.com www.victorylethbridge.ca facebook: VictoryChurchLethbridge twitter: VCLethbridge

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